medTester Exceptions

Path: Admin > medTester Exception

After uploading a test, a medTester technician may find an item that does not have a record in WebTMA. For efficiency, the technician can perform needed tests and upload the records without a valid Control ID.

In other cases, the technician number may be invalid, or records on the medTester unit may have an invalid task description. WebTMA captures the information and gives you the opportunity to make changes from the medTester Exception window.

WebTMA displays the following in the Uploading Error field:

You have the option to delete the errors and do nothing or you can create related records.

In some cases, work orders are created by the system even though an error exists. If a work order exists, it can be amended from the medTester Exception window. See the related topics for information on how to correct errors.

If a work order cannot be created, the reason for this order displays in the Error field.

See Also

medTester Function Commands

Pinging the medTester

Troubleshooting medTester Ping

MT Directory Checklist Files

Sending All Checklists to medTester

Processing Files in medTester

Sending Filtered Checklists to medTester

Re-sending Files to medTester

Uploading Data to WebTMA

Processing .mup Files

Invalid Control ID medTester

Invalid Technician ID medTester

Invalid Task Description medTester