Re-sending Files to medTester

If the medTester wasn't ready when you attempted to send checklists to the unit, you can send these same files again, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the WebTMA medTester application.
  2. Set the medTester unit to Menu 1, and, if necessary, ping the medTester. See the topic titled Pinging the medTester. The test must be successful before you can send the checklists.
  3. Click the Resend Last Medtester Files button on the WebTMA medTester interface.

This command sends the same file you sent previously.

See Also

medTester Function Commands

Pinging the medTester

Troubleshooting medTester Ping

MT Directory Checklist Files

Sending All Checklists to medTester

Processing Files in medTester

Sending Filtered Checklists to medTester

Uploading Data to WebTMA

Processing .mup Files