Processing .mup Files

Wait for confirmation that the file has transferred (see Uploading Data to WebTMA), then:

  1. Navigate to the MT folder (C: Program Files >TMA Systems LLC > WebTMA Additional Services > WebTMA MedTester > MT)
  2. Locate the most recent .mup file. Reminder: The .mup file name format is mmddhrmin.mup.
  3. Refresh the view if the file is not visible.
  4. Double-click the file name, and the Create New Work Order window opens.
  5. Complete the Repair Center, Work Order Type, and Priority fields.
  6. Click OK on the Create New Work Order window.

The Post MedTester Labor window opens.

  1. Verify the correct Time Type. This is the default type set for the Repair Center record.
  2. Verify the Shift. This defaults to the shift assigned to the technician.
  3. Click OK on the post labor window.

If more than one work order is needed, the Create New Work Order window re-opens, and you can repeat the previous steps. When all work orders are created, an information message tells you that "All records from medTester are uploaded to WebTMA Systems. Click OK to close the window."

WebTMA updates and closes the work order record including the labor line on the Work Order > Labor Cost window.

BtnNoteTextIf multiple checks exist on the same equipment item, all checks are included in one work order where the labor hours are totaled.

See Also

medTester Function Commands

Pinging the medTester

Troubleshooting medTester Ping

MT Directory Checklist Files

Sending All Checklists to medTester

Processing Files in medTester

Sending Filtered Checklists to medTester

Re-sending Files to medTester

Uploading Data to WebTMA

medTester Exceptions

Invalid Control ID medTester

Invalid Technician ID medTester

Invalid Task Description medTester