Processing Files in medTester

After you have sent files to the medTester, follow these steps on the medTester device:

  1. Press F4 to Check.
  2. Press the down arrow to locate the Biomed Control ID.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Press F3 to Run.
  5. Verify the technician code.
  6. Press Enter twice at the Task Code Description screen.
  7. Locate the User Time entry screen by continuing to press Enter.
  8. Select Exit if prompted to send to printer.
  9. Select Memory when asked where to store the record.
  10. Press Quit.

See Uploading Data to WebTMA for instructions on uploading the files.

See Also

medTester Function Commands

Pinging the medTester

Troubleshooting medTester Ping

MT Directory Checklist Files

Sending All Checklists to medTester

Sending Filtered Checklists to medTester

Re-sending Files to medTester

Uploading Data to WebTMA

Processing .mup Files