Invalid Technician ID medTester

If the medTester uploaded files include errors, Invalid Technician ID is one of the possible errors.

Possible causes of this error include incorrectly keying the technician ID or using a new technician who does not have a record in WebTMA.

If the number was entered incorrectly, locate the error record from the medTester Exception window:

  1. Click the Create WO link on the Action Menu.

  2. Enter required information, or edit existing work order information.
  3. Select the correct Technician ID.
  4. Click the Save button on the popup window.

If the technician does not have a record in WebTMA, go to Organization > Repair Center > Technician and create a new technician record. Return to the medTester Exception window, and select the new technician from the Create WO from medTester Exception window.

See Also

medTester Function Commands

Pinging the medTester

Troubleshooting medTester Ping

MT Directory Checklist Files

Sending All Checklists to medTester

Processing Files in medTester

Sending Filtered Checklists to medTester

Re-sending Files to medTester

Uploading Data to WebTMA

Processing .mup Files

medTester Exceptions

Invalid Control ID medTester

Invalid Task Description medTester