The WebTMA medTester Link module provides an interface used to transfer periodic safety check information directly to the medTester 5000® Model C. The medTester manufacturer also has Module 10 software that must be installed before transfer can take place.
After the Module 10 software is installed on the medTester unit and the WebTMA interface software is installed on your computer, you can transfer information to and from WebTMA and the medTester unit. You can download PM checklists to the medTester and upload completed checks back to WebTMA. Even if you use mobileTMA, PMs designated as medTester are not transferred to the handheld device. All medTester PMs are downloaded to the medTester.
Work orders for medTester are limited to batch generated PM work orders. Manually created work orders do not accept medTester data. The completed checks update the generated PM work orders with the results. WebTMA automatically writes a labor line to the work order including technician's hours and then closes completed PM work orders.
All test results become part of the PM work order history for equipment or biomed equipment.
Other functions include:
The WebTMA medTester Link module supports Model C of the medTester 5000 with Module 10 software installed on the medTester unit.