The default medTester Baud Rate and ComPort settings are acceptable to most organizations. If a change is needed, the WebTMA System Administrator can use the pref.xml file in C: Program Files >TMA Systems LLC > WebTMA Additional Services > WebTMA MedTester to change the settings.
The default settings are:
When a user first logs from the medTester Login window, the system writes the information to this file. In future, the user is only required to enter the Password.
Although the WebTMA system administrator can edit login information in the pref.xml file, it is not advisable. If the password is entered incorrectly in the file, the user cannot login with his or her correct password. Make it a practice to restrict editing to the Baud Rate and ComPort.
If a Palm OS handheld device is installed on the computer, be sure to exit the HotSync window. Frequently, the port setting for the HotSync conflicts with the medTester port setting. If HotSync is running, you cannot connect to the medTester.